
 A Transformative 2-Day Online Event For Women Who Are Self-Confessed People Pleasers Longing To Break Free From The Habit, And Shed The Burden Without Feeling Guilty.....


So They Can Embrace Their True Self, And Cultivate Habits That Lead To Living A Wildly Unapologetic Life.



June 29th - 30th

10 AM to 1 PM CST


Request Your Free Invitation Now

“EmpowerHER: From People Pleaser To Self Leader”


Are you a woman aiming to level up your wellness, re-energize, establish healthy boundaries, and get your life back into balance?

Join me, Sarah Bell, for a FREE 2-Day Virtual Event designed specifically for women who a ready to shed the burden of people pleasing without feeling guilty, so they can embrace their true selves, and cultivate habits that lead to a fuller, guilt-free life.

Together, we'll your operating system and give it a reboot, unlocking the secrets to living your wildly unapologetic life!

  • The human operating system: You'll delve into the concepts of catabolic and anabolic energy and understand their significance when it comes to keeping you stuck in the people-pleasing maze. Recognizing the difference between these energy types is crucial for living a guilt-free life.

  • Recalibrate your automated response system: You'll learn strategies to distance yourself from the need to put others before yourself for the good of all. Understanding how your thoughts influence energy levels empowers you to cultivate new habits with confidence and grace.

  • Uncover your people-pleasing drivers: Through self-reflection, you'll identify recurring thought patterns that contribute to catabolic energy and people-pleasing. By reshaping your inner dialogue, you'll unlock new avenues to create guilt-free fuller life.

  • Remove your people-pleasing triggers: You'll explore the various factors that can trigger you into people-pleasing. Equipped with this knowledge, you'll be able to make real-time adjustments to optimize your energy and excel in any situation.

  • Create your guilt-free life blue print: Finally, you'll craft a personalized action plan tailored to your unique circumstances. By implementing strategies to minimize guilt and people-pleasing and maximize your true life potential, you'll cultivate a joyful, fulfilling life.

    Over the course of two days, you'll not only gain insights into self-management but also acquire practical tools to apply these principles in your daily life. By taking proactive steps to shape your self-realization and joyful life, you'll unlock your full potential and experience greater satisfaction in all your endeavors.


And hey, I'll even show you how to ground yourself in stressful situations!


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About Sarah 

I’m Sarah Bell and I am an empowerment coach for nurses. I have worked in Healthcare since 1985 and as a coach since 2013.

I have recreated my coaching business numerous times and even though I have been moderately successful I never really felt aligned with my Niche. I always new I was doing something I could do was good at, but there was always something missing for me.

As I reflected over my life experience I realized the missing part was me. I was not acknowledging how I show up in the world and why. Basically I was ignoring my personal operating system.

This started for all of us with our upbringing and my upbringing taught me I needed to stay quiet, keep secrets, and do what my parents and other powerful people asked of me. If I followed those rules, I would be safe.

Fast forward to adulthood and my career I was following the same rules and in some ways it served me well.

I got good performance reviews, bonuses, pay increases, and promotions, but at what cost?

My mental, emotional & spiritual well-being.

I felt oppressed, not able to speak up when things weren’t right, I stayed in toxic environments way too long because it felt normal and because I knew how to handle it. It was getting me down.

One morning I woke up, I say I woke up before myself:) A voice in my head said what the F are you doing, you need to get out of there.

That very day I spoke to my boss and said you’re not going to use me in the capacity I want to be used are you, he said No he wasn’t.

Somehow I found my voice. I said No to my job description. They found me another job, and I said no, I don’t want to do that either. Eventually I negotiated a satisfactory exit strategy and said a big fat yes to my freedom, it felt amazing.

I found myself wondering “where have I been all of my life”. How come it’s taken me so long to take care of my own needs, wants and desires.

I worked on upgrading my operating system and now my coaching is aligned with how I show up in the world. Authentic, Confident, Compassionate.

It’s been up and down but I have not once regretted leaving employment and I have never been happier.

The lesson I learned was, when I was busy saying YES to meeting the needs, wants and of others I was putting my life on hold, I was saying NO to myself.

So how about you.

Who here has a similar story to share?

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What People Are Saying

My clients' success speaks volumes.

I've known Sarah for several years. We have worked together as coaches and supporting each other, me as a personal stylist and sarah as a coach, we often joke that one works on the outside of the person while the other works on the inside.

Sarah has a natural talent for coaching and has significantly helped me navigate various mindset challenges, particularly in areas such as setting boundaries and self-empowerment. Through specific methods and techniques, she has provided me with invaluable support and guidance. Sarah has also given me invaluable tools for working through areas of personal growth.

One instance that stands out is Sarah’s help when I was experiencing a toxic workplace environment. I was struggling with feeling like I should always say yes to others' demands, but with Sarah's help, I learned to set healthy boundaries and prioritize my own needs. Thanks to Sarah's coaching, I was able to stop feeling like I had to rescue others at the expense of my own well-being.

I highly recommend Sarah as a coach for anyone looking to improve their mindset, particularly those who struggle with feeling obligated to please others, managing emotional challenges, and learning to say no.

- Helen Holden

 "Wow. Sarah is Amazing! In such a short period of time she was able to help me uncover deep-rooted patterns that I have been holding onto for YEARS that I knew had been holding me back, but just couldn't figure out why. Together we addressed my emotional challenges directly, and for the first time in 16 years, I have a different framework to operate within which has filled me with a sense of true hope about my own abilities to handle whatever may come in the future. What an invaluable gift! Thank you!!"

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